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Love Letter to Self

To the woman who is reading this letter:

You are stronger than you ever imagined you could be. You have overcome so many obstacles that have been placed in your path. When your back was against the wall, you fought hard and pushed forward. The odds were against you but you fought regardless. And you won.

You chose not to settle. Why would you want to? You found your self-worth. You knew you deserved more, you deserved better. You earned it. It would be ludicrous to remain in a situation where negativity continued to pull you down. Grabbing you by the ankles and pulling you to the depths of darkness. It would only make you question your value, making your self-doubt and insecurities show her wicked head. No, you couldn't settle. You couldn't allow it.

You are epic. Extraordinary! You are an epitome of magic, my dear. You are skilled in your own majestic way. Your ambition and drive are one of a kind. You are behind the wheel of your own destiny. Push that pedal to the floorboard and drive! No one can grab the wheel. You will not allow it. You own it. Every part of it.

You are simply beautiful, not perfect, but beautiful nonetheless. Your flaws aren't frowned upon. They shouldn't be. They are part of what makes you who you are along with the impeccable qualities you bestow. You are perfectly imperfect. That's right! Now how beautiful is that?

Young lady, you refuse to give up. You stand straight and tall when the world tries to beat you down. You hold a smile graciously on your face. Your shoulders are pulled back and your head remains high. Radiance illuminates every inch of your being. Grace is your reflection. Hold it high. Don't bow down. Ever.

Heart and soul. Yes, that is what you are. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't ashamed to show it either. You are a hopeful romantic in every sense of the word and you don't seem to mind what others may say or think. You are proud of it and you should be. This world could use more of it. Radiate it!

Yes, you are an example of triumph. When you fear the impossible, you remind yourself that no great battle won is done without sacrifice. The impossible is always possible. Your hard work pays off and doesn't go unnoticed. Always move forward. Never stand still.

Keep evolving, young lady. Keep evolving.

With much love.

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"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line." - Lucille Ball

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